Tuesday, 11 Dec 2018

Perovskite patent dataset and patent landscape report

The perovskite patent dataset is ready to go for you to use for your own analysis it also includes a supplementary patent landscape report

24 Apr 2017 | Editor

Are you developing perovskite solar cells?

Then you will want to know more about the patent landscape of this emerging solar cell technology.

  • Do you want to know which assignees are filing patents?
  • Do you want to know what inventions are being patented?
  • Do you want to know what academics vs industrial companies are filing patents
  • Do you want to know who has the earliest priority claims?

If so then the latest patent landscape dataset and supplementary report from cintelliq will be perfect for your needs.

Patent dataset

Our latest patent dataset provides technologists, commercial developers, and patent researchers with just the patent data. It includes patents published up until December 2016

Supplementary report

There is also an accompanying report to enable you to gain visual overview of the perovskite patent landscape. From there you can then use patent dataset as a solid foundation on which to build your own custom analysis.

Easy access

There is no need to sign-up or login to access the patent data or supplementary report, simply order your report and it will be delivered straight to you by email.

Low price

The perovskite patent landscape dataset and supplement report are priced at GBP 2,999 + VAT (UK companies only).

Patent landscape dataset - Excel spreadsheet

For your convenience we have arranged the perovskite patent dataset in to a number of tabbed worksheets containing patent data, pivot table, as well as the data used to generated the charts and tables found in supplementary report:

The ready to use patent dataset contains 24 individual fields. Each patent data have been cleaned, normalised and any missing data deduced - resulting in a dataset that is consistent, accurate and easy to use.

espacenetlink to the espacenet patent website for full patent details
patent_numberpatent number
titletitle of the patent
abstractabstract of the patent
country_codecountry where patent filed
assigneewho owns the patent
document_kindtype of patent document
publication_datedate the patent was first published
publication_yearyear of publication
family_idsimple family - all the patents that have the same priority documents
priority_yearslist of priority dates from priority documents
classificationsinternational patent classification
ipcrclassification code - new integrated US/EPO classification
priority_claimspriority documents - other patents
application_referenceoriginal application information
earliest_priority_dateearliest priority date of the patent
earliest_priority_yearearliest priority year of the patent
pub_decadedecade in which the patent was published
earliest_priority_decadedecade in which the patent was originally filed
is_grantedis the patent granted/issued
is_correctionis the patent a correction of an earlier document
is_companyis the assignee a company
is_academicis the assignee academic

Pivot table enables the user to to conduct their own analysis

Patent landscape report

The supplementary patent landscape report contains the analysis of the patents in the dataset. It provides a quick reference to what is contained within the dataset and clearly shows the growth and evolution of the patents over time.

The sections contianed within the report includes:

  • by publication year
  • by priority year
  • by assignee
  • by family
  • by country
  • by document kind


Priced at GBP 2,999 + VAT (UK companies only) the Perovskite patent landscape dataset and supplementary report allows you to quickly and easily understand how the emerging solar cell technology is fast evolving, and enabling you to conduct your analysis.

Want to keep up to date with what has happended in the first half of 2017 - then for a pre-order price of GBP 1,000 + VAT we will send you update of the dataset and report that covering the patent until June 2017 - it will be send to around mid September 2017.

These can only be purchased in conjunction with the main patent dataset and report - they are not available on their own.

Additional analysis is available separately if you are looking for different insights

cintelliq is developing the analysis over the further over the coming weeks to enable a deeper level of insight. You can add on these to your order.

  • citation and citing - GBP 1,500 + VAT - (delivery date to be confirmed)
  • legal status of patents - GBP 1,000 + VAT - (delivery date to be confirmed)
  • 1st claims (where available) - GBP 1,000 + VAT - (delivery date to be confirmed)
  • inventor analysis - GBP 500 + VAT - (delivery date to be confirmed)

Do you require analysis aligned to your own needs, such as customisation of the dataset, reformatting of the dataset, or development of other patent datasets?

cintelliq has a lot of experience of gathering patent dataset and building databases for our internal use - we can also help you do the same

  • we can help you update and refresh existing patent databases
  • we can help you build your own internal patent databases
  • we can help you build reports using you own data and even supplement with additional data
  • we can help you by collecting data on a regular basis

Order today

Please contact us at [email protected] it you would like to order your own copy of the perovskite patent landscaping report.