Sunday, 05 Jan 2014

Heraeus and partners demonstrate 15-inch touch panels based on PEDOT:PSS

Further adjustments to the controller chips should make it relatively easy to produce larger than 20-inch touch panels

26 Apr 2013 | Editor

Heraeus has announced the recent business partnership with Nagaoka Sangyo and Toyo Label has successfully demonstrated 15-inch touch panels based on PEDOT:PSS at the recently held FinTech exhibition in Japan. According to the announcement Heraeus provided their conductinve polymer CleviosTM, Nagaoka Sangyo provides film coating technology, and patterned compnents where prepared by Toyo Label. The 15-inch touch panel has a surface resistivity of 300 ohms/sq.

The partners believe that now they have commercialised 15-inch touch, then with further adjustments to the controller chips it should be relatively easy to produce 20-inch touch panels based on CleviosTMH500 and PH1000.

Dr Stephan Kirchmeyer, Heraeus Conductive Polymers Business Manager, said, "Due to the electrical properties of CleviosTM conductive polymers, there was a preconceived notion that the bigger the surface area, the worse the operability and so only 4-inch panels have so far appeared on the market. But now touch panels of 15-inches and beyond have been made possible."


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